Magic Blockquote

Penulis : Nurul Fatihah Shahronizam Masa : 14:01 Komen : 0 Tag :

Hari ni Nurul nak ajar macam mana nak buat magic blockqoute ! Kalau korang nak tahu macam mana ia berfungsi , buat lah dulu tutorial ni . Then baru korang tahu macam mana :))

1.dashboard - design - edit html - tick expand widget template
2.cari code neyy : .post blockquote {
3.delete code blockquote korang yg dlu

4.copy code neyy :

border: 2px dotted #1569C7;background: url(Background 1);border-bottom-left-radius: 10px;border-top-left-radius: 10px;border-right: 10px solid #1569C7;padding: 5px;}.post blockquote:hover {border: 2.5px dotted #1589FF;background: url(Background 2);border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;border-top-right-radius: 10px;border-right: 10px triple #1589FF;-webkit-transition: 2.5s;}

5.paste di BAWAH code .post blockquote {

6.biru dan biru cair korang boleh tukar dan crik sendiri .

7.preview - then save !

A true muslimah : never forget that Islam, which encourages her to look attractive under the permitted limits, is also the religion that's warns her against extravagance ^_^


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